Project Scope: Print Design, Packaging | 2019
Details: Pre-Thesis done at Srishti Institute of Art & Design, Bangalore

Brief: Shanthi Nikethana Global preschool, Bangalore is based on multiple intelligence theory by Howard Gardner. There were many scopes of work to choose from, such as working for the school management, cultivating parent- teacher relationships, developing interactive tools for children or empowering teachers with academic aids.
Challenge: A problem was noticed with the way discipline is approached by the facilitators. The teachers had the tendency to use commanding language with the children and occasionally punished them for their misbehaviour.

Concept: No Kidding is a card based facilitated platform designed to discuss the day to day situations that arise in the preschool and ways to deal with them. It has the scope to be used for professional development and training of teachers. Based on 101 Guides of Positive Discipline by Dr Kersey, the tool revolves around 7 kids whose personas were identified with the help of NYLS, a study by Thomas and Chess on temperaments in children
The aim was to create a safe space for teachers to discuss the difficulties they face and provide an opportunity to learn from each other and experts. The set of situations created deals with a set of 12 positive discipline principles focussing on creating solutions to common behaviour challenges. The form of the product was continuously iterated upon by speaking to experts and user testing the product. The packaging is designed keeping in mind the portability of the tool and ease of access to different components.